Sunday, 18 January 2009

Wynn Macau unveils Rolls-Royce Phantoms 永利澳門訂製8部勞斯萊斯「幻影」 (永利澳门订製8部劳斯莱斯「幻影」)

Pic Source : Travel Mook

A total of 8 Rolls-Royce Phantom Extended Wheelbase limousines were added to Wynn Macau transportation fleet, according to Wynn Macau. These vehicles will be use to meet the transportation needs of guests who stay at the Wynn Macau resort.

The team of chauffeurs at Wynn Macau earlier completed a specialised training with a Rolls-Royce expert in order to become familiar with the intricacies of the cars’ operation.

Speaking about the unveiling of the new fleet, President of Wynn Macau, Ian Michael Coughlan, said, “The addition of the bespoke Wynn Phantoms to our guest experience further reinforces our commitment to providing exceptional quality and memorable moments for our visitors.”

永利澳門為了讓旅客體驗其豪華度假享受, 添置了8部頂級奢華勞斯萊斯「幻影」加長版轎車。 這8部勞斯萊斯「幻影」加長版轎車是專為永利澳門訂製, 配以永利獨有銅色車身勞斯萊斯「幻影」加長版轎車。 汽車製造過程力臻完美, 每部汽車都需要投入繁複人手組裝及工藝鑲嵌。 永利澳門希望這支頂級車隊, 將致力為旅客帶來與眾不同的豪華度假體驗。

為了迎接全新「幻影」車隊的來臨, 永利澳門司機團隊需要接受由勞斯萊斯專員安排的駕駛培訓, 以熟習「幻影」的每項細節。司機從操作, 調節開啟輔助關門系統, 啟動電子系統以及操控散熱罩上的歡欣女神像均全面照顧周到。