Monday, 30 March 2009

2009 Macau International Environmental Co-operation Forum & Exhibition 澳門將舉行國際環保合作發展論壇及展覽 (澳门将举行国际环保合作发展论坛及展览)

2009 Macao International Environmental Co-operation Forum & Exhibition (MIECF) will be held at the Venetian Macau from 2nd to 4th April. Rising to the global drive for environmental sustainability, this event will spearheads and promotes greater local and international green co-operation in environment, business and connection. The Organising Committee of MIECF says by organizing this year event, it hopes to promote and enhance Macau's status in terms of global environmental protection and bring business opportunities to all the participating enterprises and institutions.

This event will gathers by distinguished officials, experts and scholars in the field of environmental protection, which will draw delegations with more than 1,000 representatives to discuss the latest green issues.

This year, the theme of 2009 MIECF is “A Global Green Gathering, Environment-Business-Connection.” The target is to promote leading a green life and social responsibility of protecting the environment.

2009年澳門國際環保合作發展論壇及展覽將於4月2日至4日在澳門舉行。 論壇將雲集世界頂尖的環保官員, 專家及學者, 共同探討最新的環保議題。

展覽除展示最新的環保領域產品及技術外, 還特設綠色商機合作日, 專業推介洽談會, 綠色商業配對及綠色商機匯點等項目。 在節能減排及碳交易研討會和自然災害管理研討會上, 與會者將探討在全球暖化危機下如何通過節能減排確保人類社會的可持續發展, 並將分享各地防範自然災害的對策和經驗。 屆時將有來自中國內地、澳門、歐美等多個國家和地區的1000多名代表參加本次活動。

為配合國際環保主題, 環境委員會將在4月3日早上舉行以“節能減排及碳交易”及“自然災害管理”為主題的兩個研討會, 並已邀請多個外地、歐盟及內地主管部門官員及專家學者主講。 在“節能減排及碳交易研討會”上, 與會者將討論以節能減排, 發展低碳經濟對抗全球氣候變暖, 確保人類社會持續發展等21世紀全人類焦點議題。 而“自然災害管理研討會”則透過專家學者分享他們對危機處理及自然防災工作的經驗與看法。