Wednesday, 1 April 2009

City of Dream opens on June 新濠天地6月初開業 (新濠天地6月初开业)

City Of Dreams

Source : Melco PBL
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Melco Crown Entertainment (MPEL) announced that City of Dreams, its flagship entertainment resort property in Macau, will open on June. City of Dreams is a US$2.1 billion mega resort situated on the Cotai Strip. The resort is set to offer a variety of entertainment options for visitors in addition to the usual gaming component.

City of Dream will house 4 hotels, over 20 dining venues, a 2-level retail space with DFS as the major tenant, a theatre, a giant silver dome offering a simulated underwater experience, as well as a casino with 550 gaming tables and 1,500 slot machines.

"We're fortunate that we had raised and secured all the funds we needed between 2006 and 2007. The successful financing has placed us in a relatively prime position," Lawrence Ho, Co-chairman and CEO of Melco Crown Entertainment said.

新濠國際於業績報告中指出, 其於澳門的旗艦項目新濠天地已屆最後發展階段, 預計於09年6月初開業。

而經仔細規劃後,新濠國際能夠在金融市場崩盤前為項目取得足夠資金, 所需的資金皆已到位, 項目開支符合預算, 新濠天地並將成為2009年內澳門唯一的新酒店及娛樂場項目。