Wednesday, 6 May 2009

City of Dream opens on 1st June 新濠天地6月1日開業 (新濠天地6月1日初开业)

Melco Crown Entertainment Limited announced that City of Dreams will open its doors to the public on June 1.

The initial opening phase of City of Dreams on June 1 will feature:

* A distinctive and intimate next generation 420,000-square-foot casino, with approximately 520 table games and 1,350 gaming machines

* Crown Towers, with approximately 300 luxurious guest rooms, including 33 high roller villas, offering unrivaled levels of personalized service, lavish style and uncompromising sophistication

* The exciting, music-inspired Hard Rock Hotel, with approximately 300 guest rooms

* Dragon's Treasure, a spectacular, one-of-its-kind, fully immersive multimedia show within the iconic dome-shaped theatre - 'The Bubble'

* Over 20 new restaurants and bars with food and beverage concepts from across China and throughout the region (Including Horizons, Lung Hin, Treasure Palace)

* 'The Boulevard' - a unique lifestyle-oriented retail precinct that includes an impressive array of some of the world's most sought-after retail brands, operated by leading travel retailer DFS.

新濠博亞娛樂宣布位於路氹城的現代綜合娛樂度假勝地新濠天地, 將於6月1日開幕。 部分項目仍有待監管機構批准。

- 佔地42萬平方呎的新世代娛樂場, 設有約550張賭桌和約1,350台角子機

- 分別提供約300間房間的Crown Towers酒店, 當中包括33間為高注碼貴賓而設的豪華別墅

- Hard Rock酒店提供300間型格客房

- 圓頂形綜合劇院“天幕”上演首創動感視聽節目《龍騰》

- 超過20間餐飲食府及酒吧 (包括尚雅坊, 龍軒, 喜迎樓)

- 由DFS集團所經營的“新濠大道”購物特區

至於Grand Hyatt Macau酒店預期於09年第三季度完成, 設有約800間高級客房。 最後階段開業的項目包括一座擁有約800間客房的豪華公寓式酒店。