Thursday, 30 July 2009

The Chamber of Macau Casino Gaming Concessionaires and Sub-concessionaires was officially formed 澳門博彩業商會成立 (澳门博彩业商会成立)

The Chamber of Macau Casino Gaming Concessionaires and Sub-concessionaires was officialy formed at a signing ceremony held in Grand Lisboa. The Chamber congregates all six gaming concessionaires and sub-concessionaires, which include Galaxy Casino, Wynn Resorts, Venetian Macau, Melco Crown and MGM Grand Paradise.

'The creation of the Chamber will be an important instrument in promoting the benefits of constructive competition for the gaming industry and for all of Macau.' said Stanley Ho, managing director of SJM Holdings Ltd. Stanley Ho was named as the first president of the organization.

The Chamber's objectives is to provide a platform to discuss issues that are of common interest to its associates, and also cooperate with the Macau government, and contribute to the gaming legislative process and to the implementation of rules and regulations.

澳門娛樂場博彩業承批公司商會正式成立。 六間公司的代表都有出席創會儀式。 博彩業商會是由澳門博彩、銀河娛樂、永利、威尼斯人、新濠國際旗下新濠博亞和美高梅金殿組成。 商會的宗旨是為會員提供一個平臺, 就共同關心的議題加強溝通和交流, 就博彩業的立法程序與規定及有關條例的執行與政府緊密合作, 促進和加強澳門博彩業的健康成長, 從而推動博彩業以致對澳門社會的整體發展。

六博彩企業早前已舉行六方會議醞釀成立“博彩商會”。 博彩業承批公司商會會長, 澳博行政總裁何鴻燊表示隨着商會成立可以團結博彩業力量, 代表澳門博彩業可持續發展, 符合澳門社會整體利益。 6家娛樂場博彩承批公司及轉批給公司將於同一平台上為澳門的整體利益共同努力。