Friday, 28 August 2009

Asia Pacific Poker Tour Macau 2009 第三屆APPT亞太撲克巡迴賽 (第三届APPT亚太撲克巡迴赛)

The third edition of Asia Pacific Poker Tour (APPT) will take place at the Macau Poker Room, the room which receives a recurring tournament - the Macau Poker Cup, saw a participation of more than 900 poker players. The tour willrun from August the 25th to the 30th, with participation of numerous Asian stars like Bryan Huang and Celina Lin who will be in competition with the numerous keen on poker in this continent.

The Asia Pacific Poker Tour Season 3, starting from the end of August, will have 5 cities-stages which are Macau, Auckland, Seoul, Cebu in hilippines and Sydney in Australia. Over half a million American dollars – that’s what the winner will walk away with after the prize pool for the event broke the US$2 million mark. Payout is to the top 48 players. A total of 429 players were out in force for APPT Macau Season 3 with a strong showing form the Australians (59 players), Americans (56 players) and players from Hong Kong (32 players).

第三屆APPT亞太撲克巡迴賽將在2009年8月24日展開, 首站將於澳門開跑。 撲克巡迴賽將在澳門撲克房所在地新葡京酒店舉行。 今年APPT撲克巡迴賽將有更多的選手參賽, 彩池將超過$2,000,000美金。

本屆賽事將巡迴上屆的熱門巡迴站包括首站澳門、南韓首爾、紐西蘭奧克蘭與澳洲雪梨, 新增巡迴站菲律賓宿霧。

APPT將吸引世界各地的玩家, 以及家喻戶曉的撲克明星 - 亞洲明星隊的Bryan Huang (2009年7月紅龍錦標賽冠軍)以及 Celina Lin (2008年APPT澳門站主賽事季軍)。 第三屆APPT澳門站參賽人數達429人, 冠軍將獲得約541,016美元, 獎金大幅超越去年。 今年的參賽玩家中59來自澳洲, 56位來自美國, 香港則有32位玩家參賽。