Saturday, 8 August 2009

Asian Poker Tour Invites Swimmer Michael Phelps To Macau 亞洲扑克巡回賽邀請游泳巨星菲爾普斯到澳門參賽 (亚洲扑克巡回赛邀请游泳巨星菲尔普斯到澳门参赛)

The Asian Poker Tour prepares to make its second stop at Macau Galaxy StarWorld Hotel and Casino. Legendary Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has been invited to attend this year's APT Macau Festival. The event has doubled in size from last year's 6 day to 12 days this year, it will run from August 12 to 23.

AsianLogic - the online gambling operator has penned an open letter to Michael Phelps, offering him the opportunity to attend free of charge:

“Last year, you were in Beijing for the Olympics and we encouraged you to head down to the Asian Poker Tour Macau event at the StarWorld. We heard positive noises, but there was no sign of the human dolphin when they called ’shuffle up and deal.’ We would like to extend this invite once again to you to come, all expenses paid, and take part in this showpiece poker event. The Main Event is in Macau between the 20 – 23rd August but the 12 day festival of poker starts on August 12th so let us know!”

The event will also form the backdrop to a Chinese language poker film provisionally titled "Poker King". According to the APT, professional poker player J.C. Tran, Nam Le, Steve Sung, Quinn Do, David "Chino" Rheem and Kwang Soo Lee are all coming to play.

亞洲扑克巡回賽(Asian Poker Tour)組辦者在得知菲爾普斯是德州扑克愛好者后, 向這位奧運會歷史上奪得最多金牌游泳巨星發出了邀請, 希望他能夠參加在澳門舉行的亞洲扑克巡回賽澳門站比賽。 主辦方希望將本次澳門扑克節辦成亞洲地區最有影響力的扑克盛會。

去年的澳門扑克節獲得了極大的成功, 今年主辦方將時間從6天延長到了12天以使更多的亞洲玩家充分體會到扑克樂趣。 屆時第一部中文德州扑克電影 - 《扑克王》, 也將在澳門扑克節上隆重登場。