Friday, 7 August 2009

A new series of "Experience Macau!" promotion video 全新一輯感受澳門旅遊宣傳短片 (全新一辑感受澳门旅遊宣传短片)

The latest new series of tourism promotional video "Experience Macau!" was premiered. With the five senses, 'See, Taste, Feel, Hear, Touch', Macau is to show the world its unique difference.

"SEE" the Difference
See some of the world's newest, biggest and most spectacular hotels to some of the world's oldest and most venerated churches and heritage architecture;

"TASTE" the Difference
Taste the best of cuisine from Western to the most mouth-watering dishes of China, from classic signature dishes to exciting fusion inventions.

"FEEL" the Difference
Feel the exciting changes of the seasons while exploring this unique city that cherishes its cultural heritage while at the same time embracing the best of the new.

"HEAR" the Difference
Hear the exciting and joyous sounds of Macau, from the songs of gondoliers on Venetian canals to grand opera and the latest and most popular hits, staged in lavish productions at venues both old and new.

"TOUCH" the Difference
Be in touch with Macau's constant exciting new changes and new opportunities opening, from business to personal pleasure and gains, you will definitely be a winner if you care to explore.

全新一輯“感受澳門”旅遊宣傳短片, 以《看、嚐、意、聽、觸》五種感觀, 向世界展現不一樣的澳門。

《看》~ 紅、藍、綠
由星級酒店到大街小巷, 澳門總美得教人目迷, 讓我們一同細賞她的驚艷。

《嚐》~ 甜、酸、苦、辣
這是一個令人回美無窮的地方! 中西美食薈萃, 你又豈可錯過她種種甜酸苦辣?

《意》~ 春、夏、秋、冬
在澳門,每天都是觸動心靈的季節; 讓我們於世界級的歷史建築物之間, 領略她那獨一無二的奧妙。

《聽》~ 掌聲、歌聲、歡呼聲
奔騰跳躍、歡聲雷動! 在這裡, 你將被興奮的聲音呼喚, 每刻感受震動心弦的聲響。

《觸》~ 金、木、水、火、土
無盡商機、愉悅享受, 掌握澳門每分精彩, 在這與別不同的旅程中, 你注定成為快樂的主角。