Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Sands China will list on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at the end of November 金沙集團澳門子公司11月底香港掛牌上市 (金沙集团澳门子公司11月底香港掛牌上市)

Las Vegas Sands Corp. announced the company seeks to raise some $2.5 billion in a public stock offering on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at the end of November. The company has completed its listing committee hearing with the exchange and that the listing application for its subsidiary - Sands China Ltd, still awaits formal approval.

The new shares are expected to begin trading on the Hong Kong stock exchange on the 30th November, with the price of the shares to be determined around 19th November. It will be mark as the second largest Hong Kong IPO this year.

Las Vegas Sands, follows Wynn Resorts in selling a stake in its Macau unit to boost capital, intends to use some of the funds raised to repay debt and resume construction of suspended Macau projects. Projects including a Shangri-La/Traders hotel, a Sheraton hotel and three casinos along two neighboring sites will be resume.

拉斯維加斯金沙集團股份有限公司(Las Vegas Sands Co)澳門子公司 - 金沙(中國)開始作上市前推介, 集資額由原定的二十億美元上再加五億美元, 上市時間定在11月30日。 公司將於11月9日啟動正式路演, 預計將在11月19日確定新股發行價。

金沙澳門已於10月29日通過港交所上市聆訊。 金沙澳門承銷團名單今敲定, 目前所知的包括高盛、巴克萊、瑞銀及法巴等,但會加入里昂。 營運執行副總裁Ronen Nissenbaum稱, 希望打造“香港+澳門”、即商務會展及娛樂場並存的組合。

此次上市所得將用於償還Sands China近期的股東貸款和一項銀行信貸安排, 並為完成該公司金光大道(Cotai Strip)開發項目的第五、六期工程提供資金。

金沙(中國)今次加大集資額後, 將成為今年港交所第二大上市集資個案, 亦較為永利澳門多出七億美元。