Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Michael Jackson shrine to open at Ponte 16 in Feb 2010 澳門十六浦籌辦亞洲首間米高積遜珍品廊 (澳门十六浦筹办亚洲首间米高积逊珍品廊)

Late King of Pop Michael Jackson's rhinestone-studded glove is set to go on display at Ponte 16 in Macau. The glove became famous in 1983 as the King of Pop wore it when he performed his now celebrated the world over “moonwalk” dance. The glove is reported to be the first one used by Jackson during a cult “moonwalk” live concert dance.

The newly opened Oceanus will also displaying the $250,000 Italian white truffle and the $350,000 sequined glove worn by Michael Jackson for one hour during the open ceremony as he premiered his "moonwalk" on national television in 1983.

Ponte 16 - the five-star hotel has scheduled to open a gallery on Feb next year to display the glove as well as nine other objects formerly belonging to Jackson and purchased at the auction. The hotel is aiming at creating a gathering spot for the greatest 20th century performer, it hopes the gallery will evolve into a sort of ‘shrine’ for Michael Jackson fans all over Asia. The nine other objects won by the resort included drawings of Charlie Chaplin sketched by Jackson when he was a child, a pair of sequin-encrusted socks and a shirt worn during his Thriller video.

澳門十六浦度假村酒店早前成功投得共十件已故天王巨星米高積遜珍品, 酒店表示將會從不同的途徑繼續收集更多米高積遜的珍品, 讓這個珍品廊的展品更為豐富。 十六浦正籌辦亞洲首間米高積遜珍品廊, 計劃於酒店成立兩周年誌慶 - 即明年2月1日起免費向公眾開放。

另外為祝賀澳博旗下之海立方娛樂場於本月15日開幕, 米高積遜著名的白色水晶石手套將與澳博於日前在慈善拍賣會中投得的最大白松露菌, 一起在海立方率先亮相一小時。

十六浦度假村酒店投得的十件米高積遜的珍品。 最觸目的是米高積遜在一九八三年首次公開表演“Moonwalk”著名的白色萊茵水晶石手套, 他在當時表演這款招牌舞姿時穿戴的左手水晶白手套, 更成為米高積遜的標記。 一系列的珍品還包括:

- 米高積遜親筆簽名 - 並由他於1981年親自繪畫的差利卓別靈圖畫
- 世界著名舞臺服飾設計師BILL WHITTEN親自設計的一雙施華洛水晶襪
- 演唱「THRILLER」時所穿過的「ZOMBIE」襯衫
- 米高積遜親筆簽名「BAD」RIAA白金唱片獎
- 演唱「MEN IN BLACK II」時所穿著的西裝
- 米高積遜「MOTOWN25」親筆簽名相片
- 兩張其親筆簽名相片

十六浦度假村酒店表示正計劃與Julien's Auction合作, 日後貓王、瑪麗蓮夢露、披頭四等巨星的珍品拍賣會, 可每年一次安排在酒店舉行, 以吸引亞洲歌迷旅遊。