Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Designer Mr. William Tang Becomes City of Dreams Ambassador 設計大師鄧達智先生擔任新濠天地服裝時尚品味大使 (设计大师邓达智先生担任新濠天地服装时尚品味大使)

Mr. William Tang, affectionately regarded as the ‘Bad Boy’ of Hong Kong fashion, has become the second recipient of City of Dreams Ambassador Award, after Mr. Maurice-Richard Hennessy who was recently invited and nominated as City of Dreams Ambassador representing luxury and lifestyle. Mr. William Tang was presented with his Ambassador Award at a special presentation at City of Dreams. The creator of retail labels ‘W by William Tang’ and ‘William Tang’ will represent City of Dreams in Fashion and Lifestyle.

“Aside from being a talented and accomplished designer, William is a recognized travel, culture and fashion commentator and writer,” said Mr. French. City of Dreams Senior Vice President of Operations.

Mr. William Tang said. “My personal philosophy is to design and create through the inspiration of history and culture, this provides me the creative foundation as I utilize fashion as the medium of my own expression. I am thrilled to be contributing to the exciting lifestyle which to be experienced at City of Dreams.”

在香港時裝界暱稱為「壞小孩」, 並一手創立零售品牌「W by William Tang」及「William Tang」的時裝設計大師鄧達智先生, 獲邀出任是繼Maurice-Richard Hennessy先生之後, 新濠天地第二位榮譽大使, 以彰顯新濠天地的服裝及時尚品味。 最近獲邀擔任新濠天地奢華時尚品味大使的Hennessy先生, 為世界頂級干邑王國軒尼詩House of Hennessy之首。

新濠天地之高級營運副總裁高雋曄先生表示﹕「鄧達智先生是天才橫溢及成就超卓的時裝設計師, 亦是著名的旅遊、文化及時裝評論家及作家。 我們很榮幸獲得這位亞洲時裝界領袖兼時尚品味專家支持新濠天地, 貢獻其專長。」
